Secretariat 2006

Lau Sim Yee is a Malaysian citizen. He joined the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in 1991. He is currently a program advisor to the Sasakawa Peace Foundation and concurrently serving as the Acting Director, the Sasakawa Pan Asia Fund. He received his Ph.D. in International Cultural Studies from Tohoku University in 1998. He is also a professor at the School of International Economics and Business Adminustration of Reitaku University, since 2000. He teaches Development Economics and Southeast Asian Studies in undergraduate school, and Asian Economies at graduate school.
Profession : Acting Director, The Sasakawa Pan Asia Fund, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation

Program Officer of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) in Tokyo, Japan.
Geopolitics and Area Studies on Central Eurasia, History of the Turkic peoples in Central EurasiaB.A., M.A., Ph. D., Keio University, Tokyo Special Assistant, the Embassy of Japan to Turkey (1991-1994) Lecturer, Bunkyo College (1994-1997) Professor of Political Science, Teffakur University(1999) Research Fellow, the Center of Area Studies, Keio University (1997-2000)Research Fellow, East West Institute (2000-2002), NY. Profession : Program Officer, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation

David Karashima is a Project Coordinator at the International Program Department of The Nippon Foundation. A graduate of Tufts University, he has been working in various roles at The Nippon Foundation since 2002, and is currently responsible for various higher education and public health programs.
Profession : Project Coordinator, International Program Department, the Nippon Foundation

Keita Sugai is a Japanese citizen. He joined The Tokyo Foundation in 1998. He is currently serving as Chief Program Administrator, Scholarship Division and administers the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) Program, which supports the education of young leaders by providing fellowships to graduate students enrolled in 69 universities and consortia in 45 countries whose fields of specialization fall within the parameter of humanities and social sciences.
Profession : Chief Program Administrator, Scholarship Division, Tokyo Foundation

Yasutoshi Yoshida is an Associate Program Officer at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. In 1997, he graduated from Osaka University of Foreign Studies (B.A., Department of Foreign Languages, major in International Law, Minor in Hungarian). He obtained M.D. of International Public Policy, Osaka University while working as a Political Attaché at the Embassy of Japan in Hungary from 2000 to 2002. He is now a Ph.D. candidate at Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University.
Profession : Associate Program Officer, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Also See: Building A Better Asia: Future Leaders’ Dialogue | Program Schedule | Communique | Lecturers CVs | Secretariat CVs | Participants CVs | Academic Committee CVs | Lecture Notes | BABA Group three members video presentation