Participants 2007-2008

Participants 2007-2008

Mr. Cheang Sokha          Country : Cambodia

Mr. Cheang Sokha was born in the province of Kampong Speu, on the southwest of the capital. In 1999, after graduating from high school, Sokha did a course in journalism at the Royal University of Phnom Penh and worked with a number of local newspaper agencies. He worked as a reporter for The Nokor Santepheap News (A Khmer newspaper) In February 2001, he moved on to work at the weekly English newspaper called The Business News, News and World Report. In 2002, he worked for IFJ, International Federation of Journalists and the Cambodian Association for Protection of Journalists, as a coordinator for the child rights project. Currently Sokha has been working as a journalist for the Phnom Penh Post newspaper, which is the oldest leading English newspaper in Cambodia.

Ms. Wang Yan                 Country: China

Ms. Wang Yan from China, completed her Bachelors in Arts in Philosophy in 2003. She then went on to do her Masters in Philosophy of Science and Technology and her PhD in Science Technology and Society from Jilin University. In 2005, Yan participated in SYLFF Asia/Pacific Regional Forum, to learn more about the SYLFF Programs and acquire more knowledge about Sustainable development, at the University of Indonesia. Currently Yan is the Chairman of Postgraduate Union of Jilin Province.

Mr. Gordon Sega            Country: Micronesia

Mr. Gordon Segal was born and was raised in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). He has a university degree from an American University. His career has been mostly in the field of computers. Gordon is employed by the College of Micronesia-FSM (COM-FSM) which is the national college for the FSM. He currently is the Director of the Information Technology Department which serves the entire COM-FSM system. This position takes on the challenge of ensuring that the COM-FSM provides a competitive, secure educational environment taking maximum advantage of digital technology and best practices to improve quality, effectiveness, and efficiency to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. This position will also lead to the development, implementation, and review of college information technology policy. The position also directs the activities of the Technology Advisory Committee to monitor and consult on technology efforts.

Mrs. Anindita Pujari         Country: India

Mrs. Anindita Pujari from India is currently enrolled as a doctoral candidate at the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. The title of her thesis is “The Supreme Court, the Constitution & Economic Reforms in India”. She is a recipient of the SYLFF Fellowship at JNU to pursue her doctoral research. She completed her LL.M. from National Law School of India University, Bangalore, where she was a recipient of the M.K. Gandhi National Law Teaching Fellowship. She later taught at the National Law School of India University. She also worked as a legal consultant at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi and worked with the right to information team of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, India. Anindita is also associated with many voluntary organizations working on the issue of social concern, such as right to information, labour rights, total literacy campaign amongst others.

Mr. Ritajyoti Bandyopadhyay   Country: India

Mr. Ritajyoti Bandyopadhyay from India, completed his Masters from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. As a Master’s Level SYLFF Fellow (2004-05) he undertook a research project along with the regular courses in the university to write on institutional history of community forest management in West Bengal, India and developed action plans to make participatory forest management more inclusive and more sensitive towards gender disparities. As a Doctoral SYLFF Fellow (2006-09) Ritajyoti has undertaken a research project on urban marginality and popular perception of democracy, development and globalization by taking the pavement life and quotidian politics in the city of Kolkata. Ritajyoti has been one of the two founder co-organizers of Jadavpur University SYLFF association. In this connection he provides leadership to the association’s social action project which target leprosy patients of the city of Kolkata.

Dr S K Mohanty             Country: India

Dr S K Mohanty from India, is a fellow at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi. He has researched extensively in the areas of regional trading arrangements, economic reforms, CGE modelling and multilateral trading issues. Previously, he was teaching in the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has directed and coordinated number of studies relating to bilateral and regional FTAs, GSTP and food processing industries in Asia. He is currently working on the formation of Asian economic community and export-orientation of manufacturing sector in India. At present, RIS has a major research programme on “Regional Integration in Asia”. He is associated with this research programme for a long period of time.

Mrs. Aprilia Budi Hendrijani          Country: India

Mrs. Aprilia Budi Hendrijani from Indonesia, is a Research Associate at the Centre for Southeast Asia Social Studies, Gadjah Mada. She graduated from the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University and non degree programme of Thai Studies, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. She previously held the post of a teaching assistant at the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences Gadjah Mada University, casual English teacher at Immanuel Christian University, Yogyakarta and research associate at the Centre for Asia Pacific Studies Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. She has been involved in several cultural and social researches.

Mr. Nazim Budi Setiawan    Country: Indonesia

(Mr. Nazim Budi Setiawan from Indonesia, holds a M.Sc in Administration Science and Business Policy from University of Indonesia, and a B.A in Management Studies from State University of Bengkulu. He has been involved in a number of humanitarian projects, such as Bengkulu disaster relief programs of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Japan Disaster Relief Team for Bengkulu’s earthquake disaster, etc. In 2005, he joined a medical aid team from his company that served to help tsunami victims in Aceh. Together with colleagues, he has been conducting a fund raising movement for taking contribution to higher education in Bengkulu. At present Nazim works as an assistant manager of health insurance for the poors program of PT. Askes Indonesia (National Health Insurance of Indonesia). In the academic world, he is a visiting lecturer at Faculty of Public Health of University of Indonesia (2003-present).

Ms. Sri Nuryanti             Country: Indonesia

Ms. Sri Nuryanti from Indonesia, Graduated from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, 1993. She went on to complete her Master degree from Faculty of Asian Studies, The Australian National University. In 1992 she began working as a Research assistant at the Center for Japanese Studies, Gadjah Mada University. Currently Sri nuryanti is a Researcher at the Research Center for Politics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

Ms. Tatak Prapti Ujiyati    Country: Indonesia

Ms. Tatak Prapti Ujiyati from Indonesia, completed her Master’s Degree in Social Development Study, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines (2000– 2002) and went on to do her major in Agraian Law at the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University (1991 – 1998). Currently she is working as a Knowledge and Research Manager at Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia and at the same time she also works as a Senior Researcher at The Indonesian Institute, Center for Public Policy Research.

Ms. Ayeme Suzuki         Country: Japan

Ms. Ayeme Suzuki from Japan, did her LLB, from Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. Later she went on to do her Masters in International Relations, from the University of Tokyo. In 2003-2004 she became a Research Student of the Faculty of Economics and Administrations, University of Malaya. In 2006 Ayeme completed her Ph.D. course at the Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo. Currently she is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo.

Mr. Tatsuya Yamamoto Country: Japan

Mr. Tatsuya Yamamoto from Kanagawa Japan, received a BA in policy management and a MA and a Ph.D in media and governance from KEIO University in Japan. Tatsuya has been a Senior Researcher at KEIO Research Institute at SFC, KEIO University in Japan since 2005. Prior to the current position he was a director and a visiting research fellow at Japan Centre for Academic Cooperation, the University of Aleppo in Syria ( from 2002 – 2005). He also worked at Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as a visiting researcher to carry out a research on ICT support policies by donor countries including Japan. And he was a member of the JICA research group for project forming (ICT related project) in Bangladesh.

Mr. Sayvisene Boulom   Country: Laos

Mr. Sayvisene Boulom from Laos, completed his Bachelors of Science in Agriculture, Environment and Food science at Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture d’Angers, He went on to do a French intensive course at the Catholic University. Later he did a course in integrated preparation for architecture at National University of Laos and then at the School for fundamental studies at National University of Laos. Bolom started his career as a Lecturer in Food processing at the National University of Laos. He is currently working as a Lecturer in Food processing, Food microbiology and Food biochemistry at National University, Faculty of Agriculture, Nabong campus.

Ms. Siti Gani                    Country: Malaysia

Ms. Siti Gani from Malaysia, got her first degree in Zoology from National University of Malaysia and is currently doing her Masters in Wildlife Management. She had been working with Malayan tapir in the wild and in captivity since 1999. She worked with wildlife in Panama, Costa Rica, USA, Singapore, India, Indonesia and Thailand. She has been a member of IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group, which plays an important role in maintaining a network between tapir field researchers and keepers for exchange of information on the species worldwide. Later she went on to become a Local Research Coordinator for the Malayan Tapir Project Pahang Malaysia. At present Siti is a member of the API Community which is actively involved in various issues related to Asian community and environment.

Dr. Enkhbaigali.B           Country: Mongolia

Dr. Enkhbaigali.B from Mongolia, is a Doctor and an associate professor, in Business Administration from Anadolu University, Turkey, Dr.Enkhbaigali.B has been working as a Chair of Management Department, Member of Training and Pedagogical Counsel, an associate professor, a member of Academic Counsel of the Academy of Management, Doctoral Degree Defence Council of Mongolia in Management, Master Degree Defence Counsels in Business Administration (Academy of Management, Academy of Management and Mongolian Management Association). She has published 5 books. She is the author of “Developing a Nonlinear Model of Development of an Economy: Knowledge Based Economy”

Mr. Khine Tun                 Country: Myanmar

Mr. Khine Tun was born in Pyawbwe, a small town of Myanmar. He passed his matriculation in 1985, and joined the Institute of Economics, Yangon, Myanmar. After passing the second year, he chose Commerce as the elective subject. He got a Bachelors Degree in Commerce (B.Com) in 1992. Khine Tun later joined the army in 2003 and was appointed as a gazette officer in the public relation department where he served as the liaison officer for about three years. He was then transferred to the Office of Strategic Studies (OSS) to undertake research works relating to economic issues. In December 2001, he was promoted to the position of Deputy Division Head and transferred to the Economic Research Division. In 2004 December, he resigned from his government service, and started his own business. At the same time he was doing his research work.

Mr. Allan Jose J. Villarante    Country: Philippines

Mr. Allan Jose J. Villarante from Philippines, currently works as a Supervising Legislative Committee Researcher II at the Philippine House of Representatives’ Committee on Basic Education and Culture. He was the speechwriter, senior legislative researcher and bill drafter of then Rep. Bellaflor J. Angara-Castillo (1998–2003). He was also the Special Legislative Consultant of then Rep. Roseller L. Barinaga, Chairman, House Committee on Labor and Employment. As Legislative Consultant, he crafted about 131 legislative measures, 8 of which were enacted into laws. He was Project Consultant of KORPHIL Children Mission, Inc., an NGO operating in Metro Manila’s slums and squatters’ areas (1993–1997) and a College Instructor (1990–1993). Mr. Villarante has delivered lectures on topics related to juvenile justice, cultural diversity in SEA, labor flexibilization and globalization; and democratization and the rule of law at various universities in Japan, Indonesia, Cambodia and in the Philippines. He also wrote several articles already published and of a number of manuscripts ready to be published.

Ms. Katherine G. Lacson    Country: Philippines

Ms. Katherine G. Lacson from the Philippines is a part-time lecturer of Philippine History at the Ateneo de Manila University, where she is also finishing her M.A. Prior to History, Katherine had pursued a B.A. in Communication which led her to do production and research work in various historical documentary projects which reaped several national awards and even became a finalist in the New York Film Festival. She also did various production jobs such as writing, research, assistant directing and production management in different television shows and special projects. On the side, she lends her voice to various commercials and audio-visual presentations. She was also active in theater for a couple of years. She is currently completing her thesis entitled “Selling the Image: Graphic and Liwayway Print Ads and the Manilena (1924-1940).”

Mr. Tharanga Ranasinghe   Country: Sri Lanka

Mr. Tharanga Ranasinghe, from Sri Lanka, obtained his B.Sc. (special) degree in nutrition and community resource management from Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. He then went on to do research on GIS based nutrition surveillance systems. He joined Sewalanka Foundation, in 2004 and is currently working as a Project Coordinator in Special Projects Division. At the same time, he has extended his service for CHF (A Canadian partnering organization of Sewalanka Foundation for sustainable livelihood project) as a GIS/MIS (Management Information Systems) specialist. He is engaged in staff capacity building of other Asian partner organizations of CHF, in Pakistan and Bangladesh. He is also involved in designing, developing and maintaining GIS/MIS based monitoring system in Sri Lankan.

Ms. Usamard Siampukdee    Country: Thailand

Ms. Usamard Siampukdee from Thailand has been working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University since 2003. The courses that she engages in are Politics and Government of Southeast Asia, Political Analysis in Southeast Asia, Politics and Government of Japan, Political Economy of East Asia and Current Affairs in International Relations, for instance. Her areas of research include Asian Studies, particularly comparative politics, foreign policy studies, human rights and development studies. The Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University, has entrusted Usamard with the duty of the Associate Dean for the Student Affairs of Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration in 2006, Committee of the International Relations and Research for Faculty of Social Sciences from 2003-2006 and Committee of Student Affairs for Faculty of Social Sciences from 2003-2005. Usamard plans to pursue her doctorial degree in Politics and International Studies at University of Leeds.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Hien   Country: Vietnam

Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Hien is a Vietnamese citizen. She was born in Hanoi. Hien obtained a Bachelors Degree in Agricultural Economics in Hanoi Agricultural University (HAU), she has been working for the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development in HAU. She did her M.A. in Agricultural System in 1996 from Chiangmai University in Thailand and her PhD. in Agricultural and Resource Economics in 2003 from the Kyushu University, Japan. She has professional experience of working as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Rural Development. for 12 years. She is currently the Deputy Dean in Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, at HAU. She is a specialist on Agricultural Economics, Agricultural System, Rural Development, Community Development, Economics of Development and Gender.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong   Country: Vietnam

Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong Country: VietnamMr. Nguyen Manh Cuong from Vietnam, Head of International Relations, Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations and Lecturer and Researcher, Vietnam-Netherlands MA for Development Economics Program Hanoi. He was a research fellow in Luwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama. In 1999-2004, he obtained Ph.D in development studies from the Institute of Social Studies, the Hague, the Netherlands, researching the private and state enterprises in Vietnam’s textile-garment industry sponsored by the Royal Dutch Government, 1999-2003. He completed his M.A. in development economics, National Economics University Hanoi, in collaboration with the Institute of Social Studies, the Hague, the Netherlands and his B.A. in Business Administration, National Economics University Hanoi.

Also See: Programme | Biodata of Participants| Biodata of Resource persons||Biodata of Academic Committee members Speeches –Surin Pitsuwan, |Min Weifang,|M Rajaretnam|Communique