Lecturers 2006

Kavi Chongkittavorn is a Thai citizen. He is the Assistant Group Editor of the “Nation Multimedia Group” in Bangkok, the publishing entity, among others, of the English language daily “The Nation”. Kavi is also the founder of the Bangkok-based Southeast Asian Press Alliance, a media advocacy group which fights to promote press freedom in the region. He was a Reuter Fellow at Oxford University in 1992 and a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University in 2001. Since 2004, he is the jury president of UNESCO-Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize.
Profession : Assistant Group Editor, “The Nations,” Nation Multimedia Group Public Co., Ltd.
E-mail: kavi@nationgroup.com / Website: www.nationalmultimedia.com

Yonosuke Hara is Research Professor at Mae-Fha-Luang University in Thailand and Emeritus Professor of The University of Tokyo. He received Dr. of Agricultural Economics from The University of Tokyo in 1978. Since 1972 he served as Research Associate, Associate Professor and Professor of Economic Development and Asian Economies at The Institute of Oriental Culture, the University of Tokyo. For the 4 years since 1998-2002 he was the Director of The Institute. He also served as the chairman of many committes of various ministries of Japanese government.
Profession : President, Asia SEED
E-mail: yhara@asiaseed.org

Harsha Kumara Navaratne is the Founder and Chairperson of Sewalanka Foundation, a leading Sri Lankan development NGO which has built up a professional staff of 750 Tamils, Sinhalese and Moors, and is currently active in 19 of Sri Lanka’s 25 districts. He studied community development at St. Xavier University in the Philippines and is the recipient of two honorary doctorate degrees. He served for 21 years as Field Director and Vice President in the Ghandian Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement. After leaving Sarvodaya, he was a Presidential Advisor to the late President Premadasa’s Janasaviya Poverty Alleviation Program and his 15,000 Village Development Program. He is also an award-winning film Maker.
Profession : Harsha Kumara Navaratne Weraduwa, Chairman, Sewa Lanka Foundation
E-mail: sewahq@sri.lanla.net / Website: www.sewalanka.org

Rizal Sukma is currently Deputy Executive Director at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta. He received Ph.D. degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK, in 1997. He is also the Chairman of International Relations Bureau, Central Executive Board of Muhammadiyah (second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia) and a member of National Committee on Strategic Defense Review, Indonesia’s Ministry of Defense. In July 2005, he was awarded the Nakasone Award for his contribution in promoting international security cooperation, the first Indonesian to receive the Award.
Profession : Associate Professor and Director, Entrepreneurship Centre, National University of Singapore

Poh Kam Wong obtained two BSc.’s., an MSc. and a Ph.D. all from MIT. He currently holds a joint Associate Professorship appointment at the NUS Business School and the LKY School of Public Policy. He is also concurrently the Director of the NUS Entrepreneurship Centre where he oversees various university-wide programs to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among NUS faculty, students and alumni. He has published in numerous international refereed journals on innovation strategy and technology entrepreneurship, and has also consulted widely for international agencies such as the World Bank, various government agencies in Singapore etc. He was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) by the Singapore Government in 2005.
Profession : Associate Professor and Director, Entrepreneurship Centre, National University of Singapore
E-mail: pohkam@nus.edu.sg / Website: www.nus.edu.sgnec
Also See: Building A Better Asia: Future Leaders’ Dialogue | Program Schedule | Communique | Lecturers CVs | Secretariat CVs | Participants CVs | Academic Committee CVs | Lecture Notes | BABA Group three members video presentation