Program Activities
(Since its establishment in 1985 the IRC organized many conferences, seminars, public lectures and capacity-building programmes in the region especially in the non-ASEAN countries. Below is a list of the range of such activities)
A. IRC Capacity-Building Programmes In ASEAN:
(Workshops designed and implemented by IRC with grants from various grant giving foundations, 1990- )
I.Media Training
(with the Thai Parliament and Thailand Reporters Association)
- Workshop on “Evaluation of The Performance of the Thai Parliament over the last year”.
(2-day Program to train reporters/journalists on how to evaluate the performance of the members of parliament) 5-6 August 1989 Bangkok, Thailand - Workshop on “The Past, the Present and the Future of the Cambodian Problem”
(Program to train Thai reporters/journalists on reporting on the situation in Cambodia) 28 October 1989 Bangkok, Thailand - Workshop on “The Government and the Control of the Mass Media”
(Program for Thai reporters/journalists on the role of government with respect to the mass media) 27 November 1989 Bangkok, Thailand - Workshop on “An Elected Government in the Eyes of M R Kukrit Pramoj”
(Seminar for Thai parliamentary reporters/journalists evaluating the performance of the democratic practices of the government of Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj) 31 March 1990 Bangkok, Thailand - Workshop on “Politics during the House Session” 28 April 1990 (Seminar for Thai reporters/journalists on the political party relations and debates during sessions of the Thai parliament) Bangkok, Thailand
- Workshop on “Political Situation After the House Session”
4 August 1990 (Seminar for Thai reporters/journalists on the nature of politics among political parties in between parliamentary sessions) Bangkok, Thailand - Workshop on “Should Thai Political Parties Get Financial Support from the Government”
1 November 1990, Bangkok, Thailand (Workshop for parliamentary reporters/journalists and members of parliament) - Workshop on “A Comparison of Old and New Thai Constitution”
22-23 May 1991, Bangkok, Thailand (Training program for Thai reporters/journalists on the Thai constitution) - Workshop on “Role of Journalists in the Promotion of Democratic Values in Thailand”,
24 June 1991, Bangkok, Thailand (Program for reporters/journalists and members of parliament) - Workshop on “Preparing for the Next General Election in Thailand”
(Program for Thai parliamentary reporters) 29 June 1991, Bangkok, Thailand - Workshop on “The New Constitution and roles of Political Party in the Next General Election”, 14-15 July 1991, Bangkok, Thailand (Program to prepare the Thai reporters on the role of political parties and elections held under the new constitution)
- Workshop on “Is the Democratic Federation a New Option”
3 August 1991, Bangkok, Thailand (Program for Thai reporters/journalists on the issue of democracy as an option for Thailand) - Workshop on “Criticism of the Thai New Constitution”
7 September 1991, Bangkok, Thailand (Program for reporters/journalists to debate the new constitution) - Workshop on “Environment and Development in Thailand”
10 – 11 September 1991, Bangkok, Thailand (Program to train reporters and members of parliament on the impact of economic development on the environment)
II. Capacity-Building Programmes for CLMV
(IRC was among the first foreign organizations to initiate and carry out various training programs in Vietnam, the first of which began in 1990)
- Training Seminar on Current Business and Management Practices in ASEAN 23 – 25 August, 1990, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Training Seminar on Current Business and Management Practices in ASEAN 27 – 28 August, 1990, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Training Seminar on How to do business and make trade contact with the ASEAN countries, 22 – 23 October, 1991, Vientiane, Laos
- Training Seminar on ASEAN Economic Development Experiences: The Case of Singapore 29 October, 1991, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- International Conference on The Role of Women in Economic Transition in Southeast Asia 10-11 September, 1992, Hanoi, Vietnam (Conference for women political leaders and entrepreneurs from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and ASEAN)
- Managing a Transition Economy 7–14 November, 1992, Excelsior Hotel, Singapore (One Week Management Development Programme for 30 Officials from Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam)
- Fiscal and Banking Management in a Market-Oriented Economy 22-29 May 1993, Metropole Hotel, Singapore (Second One Week Management Development Programme for Officials from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)
III. ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA)
Special Programmes to train officials of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam to prepare them for AFTA Process
- Seminar on “Vietnam and the AFTA Process: Implications and Future Directions”, 29 – 30 January, 1996, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Seminar on “Vietnam and the AFTA Process: Implications and Future Directions”, 1 – 2 February 1996, Ho Chi Minh City.
- Seminar on “Laos and the AFTA Process: Implications and Future Directions”, 11 – 12 June 1996, Vientiane, Laos
- Seminar on “Cambodia and the AFTA Process: Implications and Future Directions 31 July – 1 August 1996, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Seminar on “AFTA and Vietnam: Problems and Solutions” 6 – 7 September 1996, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Seminar on “Vietnam and the AFTA Process” Implications and Future Directions 9 – 10 September 1996, Danang City, Vietnam
- Seminar on “Myanmar and the AFTA Process” Implications and Future Directions 22 – 23 May 1997, Yangon, Myanmar
- Seminar on “The AFTA Process” (Training Program for Myanmar Customs Officials) 28 – 29 November 1997, Yangon, Myanmar
- Seminar on “The implementation of AFTA in the Laos PDR” 23 – 24 January 1998, Savannakhet, Laos
IV. Myanmar
- Symposium on Interaction for Progress: Myanmar in ASEAN 23 – 24 October, 1998, Yangon, Myanmar
- Interaction for Progress: ASEAN and Myanmar “Myanmar in the 21st Century- Challenges of Globalization and Change” 28 – 29 March 2000, Yangon Myanmar
- Symposium on Interaction for Progress: ASEAN and Myanmar “Myanmar in the Age of Information Technology and E-Commerce” 6 – 7 March 2001, Yangon, Myanmar
- Symposium on Interaction for Progress: ASEAN-Myanmar “Information Technology in Myanmar: Business Outlook and Opportunities” 21 – 22 January 2002, Yangon, Myanmar
- Conference on Interaction for Progress: ASEAN-Myanmar “Internet Revolution and Society in Myanmar 24 – 25 January 2002, Mandalay, Myanmar
- Training Workshops on “Capacity Enhancement for Myanmar Civil Service Sector” from 1 July 2005 to 31 March 2006:
- Training of Lecturers of the Civil Service Training Centers in the Local Government (Train the Trainer Programme for the Civil Service) held in Singapore from 5 Nov – 3 Dec 2005.
- Training of Senior Officers (Workshop on Research and Report Writing for Civil Servants) held in Yangon, Myanmar from 17 – 24 Feb 2006.
B. IRC Conferences (1985)
I. General Themes
- Country Risk Seminar on the Philippines 1 October 1985, Singapore *(Keynote Speaker: Mrs Corazon Aquino)
- Conference on Understanding and Coping with Radical Ideologies: Assuring the Survival of Philippine Democracy 21 – 22 November 1986, Manila, Philippines *(Keynote Speakers: Devan Nair, Former President of Singapore; Dato Musa Hitam, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia: Gen. Rafael Illeto of the Philippines)
- Conference on Military Bases in Southeast Asia 5 – 6 October, 1987, The Oriental, Singapore *(Keynote Speakers: Senator Raul Manglapus, Philippines: Francois Revel, French philosopher and thinker)
- Conference on Philippine Communism 2 – 8 July, 1988, Marina Mandarin, Singapore
- International Conference on Gorbachev’s New Thinking and Regional Conflict in the Third World 4 – 7 August, 1988, Marina Mandarin, Singapore (Organized with the University of Miami, USA)
- International Conference on Vietnam Today: Assessing the New Trends 1 – 3 September, 1988, The Imperial Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
- Conference on Politics in the Name of God: Islamic Resurgence in Malaysia 10 – 11 March, 1989, Marina Mandarin, Singapore *(Keynote Speaker: Anwar Ibrahim, Minister of Education, Malaysia)
- International Conference on Beyond 1991: Implications of U.S. Military Withdrawal from the Philippines 4 – 6 May, 1989, Marina Mandarin, Singapore
- Seminar on Penetrating the Eastern German Market Economy: Opportunities and Risks 28 September, 1990, Marina Mandarin, Singapore
- Seminar on In Defence of Oil: The Gulf Crisis and Its Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region 2 October, 1990, Marina Mandarin, Singapore
- Country Risk Seminar on Malaysia in the 1990s 4 December, 1990, Hilton Hotel, Singapore
- Conference on Doing Business with Vietnam 12 December, 1990, Ming Court Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
- Regional Workshop on Women in Business and Politics in Southeast Asia 18 – 19 December, 1990, Marina Mandarin, Singapore
- Regional Conference on Southeast Asia and the Challenges of the Nineties: Environment and Development 1 – 2 July, 1991, Hilton Hotel, Singapore
- International Conference on Women and Development in Asia 11 – 12 September, 1991, Equatorial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia *(Keynote Speaker: Dr. Siti Hasmah Mahathir)
- International Conference on Islam and Development in Southeast Asia 25 – 26 September, 1991, Equatorial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- IRC-Canada/ASEAN Fund Workshop on Exploring the Integration of Environmental Ethics into Environmental Education 15 – 17 February, 1993, RELC, Singapore
- Workshop on Exploring the Transmission of Environmental Values through Education, Culture and Ethics – Education for Environmental Competence 29 – 30 March, 1993, Orchard Parade Hotel, Singapore
- IRC/ASEAN-Canada Fund Conference on Teaching Environmental Ethics and Values through Asian Folklore 21 – 22 October, 1993, Singapore
- UNESCO-IRC Regional Workshop on Environmental Education and Bioethics 4 – 9 January 1994, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- International Conference on Interaction for Development: Southeast Asia and China in the 21st Century 26 – 27 August 1994, Beijing, China
- International Conference on Constructive Engagement in Asia: Economic and Political Dimensions 21– 22 August 1997, Bangkok, Thailand
- “Asian Innovation Forum 2003”, 15 – 18 March 2003 held in Bali, Indonesia
II. One Southeast Asia
(Programme of activities including conferences, study missions, reports and networking to promote the integration of the 10 countries of ASEAN)
- First International Symposium on Interaction for Progress: Vietnam New Course and ASEAN Experiences 20-24 August 1991, Ho Tay Guesthouse, Hanoi, Vietnam *(Keynote Speakers: Phan Van Khai, State Planning Commission of Vietnam, Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia and Ramon Mitra, Speaker, Philippines)
- Second International Symposium on Interaction for Progress: Modernization of Vietnam and ASEAN Cooperation 21-23 May 1992, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia *(Keynote Speakers: Anwar Ibrahim, Finance Minister of Malaysia and Nguyen Khanh, Deputy Prime Minister, Vietnam)
- ASEAN-Vietnam Study Group Meetings
Kuala Lumpur: 22 May 1992
Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh: 11-18 July 1992
Singapore: 4-5 September 1992
Phuket: 14-18 November 1992
Bangkok: 22 February 1993
Pulau Tioman: February 1993
(The ASEAN-Vietnam SG produced the report on “Southeast Asia in the 21st Century”) - International Forum on Toward One Southeast Asia in the 21st Century May 1993, Bangkok, Thailand
- Third International Symposium on Interaction for Progress: ASEAN-Vietnam All-Round Cooperation 4 – 9 December 1993, Manila, Philippines *(Keynote Speakers: President Fidel Ramos and Deputy Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim of Malaysia)
- Manila Meeting on Southeast Asia – Beyond 2000 (To draft the Southeast Asia Vision Statement)
30 – 31 May, 1994, Manila, Philippines - Manila Meeting on Cultural Cooperation in Southeast Asia 19 August 1994, Manila, Philippines
- Manila Meeting on Southeast Asia Beyond 2000 (Meeting to draft document on “Towards an ASEAN Community: A Human Agenda”) 22 –24 August 1996, Manila, Philippines
- Manila Meeting of Study Group on Laos and Cambodia 26-27 July 1996, Manila, Philippines (Under patronage of President Fidel V Ramos)
- Second International Forum on Towards One Southeast Asia in the 21st Century
(To launch the Study Group on Laos and Cambodia report called “Dictate of Partnership: Cambodia, Laos and ASEAN in One Southeast Asia”) 16 November 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - IRC/IKD First Southeast Asia Workshop Reflections on Governance and Civil Society in Southeast Asia 25– 28 August, 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
III. Asian Renaissance Project
- An International Discourse and Exhibition on Jose Rizal and the Asian Renaissance, 1 – 4 October 1995, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Under Patronage of President Fidel V. Ramos and Anwar Ibrahim, Deputy Prime Minister, Malaysia)
- An International Conference/Exhibition on Muhammad Iqbal and the Asian Renaissance, 3—5 June 1997, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
C. Public Lectures (Asia-Pacific Forum Series)
- Breakfast Talk by Dr Surin Pitsuwan, Democrat MP, Thailand, on 13 February 1988 – “Recent Economic & Political Developments in Thailand”
- Lunch Talk by Datuk Musa Hitam, former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, on 19 March 1988 – “Current Developments in Malaysia”.
- Lunch Talk by Alfredo Bengzon, Philippine Health Minister, on 11 June 1988 – “Peace and Order in the Philippines”
- Lunch Talk by Stephen Boswoth, Former US Ambassador to the Philippines, on 7 July 1988 – “Thinking of the Unthinkable: The Bases Review & The Future of US-Philippine Relations”.
- Lunch Talk by YB Sdr Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysian Minister for Education, on 11 March 1989 – “The Future of Islam in Malaysia”.
- Lunch Talk by Squadron Leader Prasong Soonsiri, Former National Security Council Chief, Thailand, on 1 April 1989 – “Current Economic & Political Developments in Thailand”.
- Dinner Talk by YB Dato’ Haji Abu Hassan bin Hj Omar, Malaysian Foreign Minister, on 4 May 1989 – “ASEAN Security at the Turn of the Century: Towards a Collective Agenda”.
- Lunch Talk by Prof Dr Mochtar Kusuma-Atmadja, Former Indonesian Foreign Minister, on 10 June 1989 – “Japan & Asia: In Search of a New Role”.
- Lunch Talk by H E Jacques Chirac, Former Prime Minister of France, Mayor of Paris, on 1 November 1989 – “The New Europe and The New Pacific: Beyond The 1992 Agenda”.
List of Asian Dialogue Activities
- First Meeting of the Asian Dialogue Society 2003 from 3 – 5 September 2003 held in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Second Meeting of the Asian Dialogue Society 2003 from 24 – 28 October 2003 held in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia.
- Third Meeting of the Asian Dialogue Society from 21 – 25 January 2004 held in Bangkok and Chiangmai, Thailand.
- International Conference on “Connecting Civil Society of Asia and Europe” 16 – 18 June 2004 held in Barcelona, Spain. ADS contributed a panel on “Dialogue of Civilizations”.
- Conference on “Key Political and Economic Issues in South Caucasus and Central Asia” from 24 – 25 June 2004 held in Yerevan.
- Asian Dialogue Society/ The Asian Library Beta Testing, 11 – 14 July 2004 in Chiangmai and Mae Hong Son, Thailand.
- Pist Book Fair, Pyongyang from 20 – 24 July 2004 held in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
- Asian Dialogue Society, Meeting on “Building a Better Asia: Dialogue on Culture and Human Security” 11 – 17 February 2005 held in Bangalore and Goa, India.
- Asian Dialogue Society, Meeting on “China-Southeast Asia Relations: The Issue of Myanmar”, 28 – 30 April 2005 held in Kunming, (Yunnan), China.
- Media Training Project for Tajikistan Journalists, 26 Oct – 1 Nov 2006, held at The International Centre, Goa, India.
- Study Mission to Northeast India, 14 – 25 Jan 2006.
- Northeast India Study Visit Workshops to launch “Shared Integration” Report, 20-25 Nov 2006, New Delhi and Guwahati.
- Capacity Building for Public Journalism in Tajikistan, 1 April – 31 March 2009, held at the International Centre, Goa, India.
- Meetings on Alternative ASEAN Charter: (FY 2007-2008)
1st Meeting from 1 – 3 Nov 2006 held in Bangkok, Thailand
2nd Meeting from 2 – 5 April 2007 held in Bangkok, Thailand
3rd Meeting on 3 July 2007 held in Singapore
4th Meeting from 13 – 15 July 2007 held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5th Meeting from 12 – 13 October 2007 held in Shanghai, China
6th Meeting from 29 – 31 March 2008 held in Bangkok, Thailand