Communique – 3rd Retreat
We, the fellows of the 3rd Building a Better Asia Future Leaders’ Dialogue held on 16-23 February 2008 in Goa, India, rediscover, embrace and uphold the core values and principles enshrined in diverse Asian communities and expressed in many cultures. The core values and principles include respect, tolerance, justice, human dignity, freedom, interdependence, and community spirit, among others.
The Filipino word kapwa means valuing others as oneself. Relationships guided by kapwa are characterized by sharing, inclusiveness, and accommodation. Similarly, ev negdel is a Mongolian expression embodying friendship, respect, peace, and integration.
Bhinneka tunggal ika, an old Javanese expression which means, “Unity in diversity,” is a motto shared by many Asian countries. It advocates representation and tolerance. Likewise, the Myanmar expression kine kyoon me, kyoon kine me promotes interdependence, peaceful co-existence, and active participation in the community.
Omoiyari in Japanese and ao jai khao ma sai jai rao (Khao) in Thai and Lao both emphasize the value of empathy and mutual sensitivity to foster amity.
Ren, the most important concept in Confucianism, requires us to honor others and practice benevolence and deep compassion.
Khong co gi qui hon doc lap tu do is a Vietnamese saying which means, ‘Nothing is more precious than freedom and independence.’ At the same time, we respect human rights, dignity, equality, and democracy, as conveyed by ahimsa, the Indian ideal of non-violence.
We strive to realize the following objectives:
PROTECTING HUMAN SECURITY to ensure freedom from oppression, fear and want; fulfill human needs; and uphold human dignity.
TREASURING DIVERSITY by accommodating differences; nurturing harmony, tolerance and inclusion; and celebrating arts and culture.
HUMANIZING GLOBALIZATION ensuring that its benefits are shared by all.
PURSUING HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT and promoting rural-urban integration without sacrificing ecological balance.
ADVOCATING SOUND GOVERNANCE as exemplified by transparency, accountability, participation, and visionary leadership responsive to people’s needs and concerns.
Hence, we strongly recommend that:
Civil society organizations and their initiatives be supported.
Media be free and responsible in disseminating news and information; Media’s arm be utilized to support advocacies and social action for the public good.
The disadvantaged and marginalized groups (i.e., people with disabilities, women, children, elderly, and ethnic minorities) be given a voice.
Inclusiveness, creativity, and participatory dialogues be applied in decision-making and negotiation.
Policies and actions foster regional amity and cooperation particularly on the personal level.
We pledge to carry forward the actions and linkages initiated at the BABA retreats in accordance with the overarching values and objectives we share.
Also See: Retreat Theme | Programme | Participants | Resource Persons | Facilitators | Communique |Reflections