BABA – Our Sponsors
The Nippon Foundation Group

comprises several grant-giving institutions led by the Nippon Foundation. The NF is an independent, non-profi t, grant-making organization founded in 1962. Established by legislation for the purpose of carrying out philanthropic activities using revenues from motorboat racing, the Foundation provides aid to projects under one of the following three major categories: overseas cooperative assistance; maritime and ship-related projects, social welfare and volunteer programs in Japan. The Foundation respects the distinctive values of diverse cultures and, by transcending political, religious, racial, and geographical differences, works toward realizing a peaceful and prosperous society in which people’s fundamental human rights are not under threat.
The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
was established on September 1, 1986, to contribute to the welfare of humankind and the sound development of the international community, and thus to world peace, by conducting activities fostering international understanding, exchange, and cooperation, as well as efforts to promote these activities to undertake surveys and research, develop human resources, invite and dispatch personnel, organize international conferences and other forums, and conduct other activities fostering international understanding, exchange, and cooperation, as well as to collect, disseminate, and propagate information in order to carry out these and other activities necessary to accomplish the Foundation’s mission.
Peking University

Peking University is a comprehensive state university, established in 1898. The University has become a center for teaching and research and a university of the new type, consisting of diverse branches of learning. The Times World University Rankings in 2006 rated Peking University as the best university in Asia, and ranked 14th in the world, whilst the THES – QS World University Rankings also ranked the university 14th in the world. The entrance criterion of Peking University is extremely selective. Every year only the top students of each province across China can be admitted, which makes Peking University one of the most prestigious places for students all over China. Its aim is to rank among the world’s best universities in the next couple of decades, with the school’s leadership placing great emphasis on developing bilateral relationships with prominent American universities for student and faculty exchanges.
The Tokyo Foundation
was established on July 1, 1997, as a not-for-profi t organization engaged in activities of public benefi t, in accordance with the collective wishes of The Nippon Foundation and the Japanese motorboat racing industry. Its mission lies in conducting surveys and research into the essenceof various domestic and international issues, and to formulate specifi c policy proposals that address Japan’s future; in providing information to a wide spectrum of people, in a clear manner that encourages action in society-at-large which, in turn, leads to the adoption and implementation of policy proposals by the government; in contributing to the nurturance of human resources in and outside Japan; and lastly, in creating a venue that attracts persons who represent the best in terms of knowledge, multi-cultural dynamism, action and information dissemination capabilities, and who create “new value” through their interactions and communication.
The Ocean Policy Research Foundation
was established in 1975 as the “Japan Foundation for Shipbuilding Advancement”. At the outset, it promoted the shipbuilding industry and related manufacturing industries through activities such as conducting management analysis, fi – nancing business operations, supporting technology development, and taking measures to prevent marine oil pollution. Subsequently, in response to ocean problems relevant to the shipbuilding industry, the Foundation’s activities expanded to include research into and study of maritime affairs.
The Foundation functions as a think tank on ocean matters. At present, in recognition of its dual roles as a foundation as well as an institute, and as it is currently engaged on studies over the whole range of maritime affairs, the Foundation is operating under the name of the “Ocean Policy Research Foundation (OPRF)”. It focuses its efforts on three main areas: ocean-related research, maritime technology development, and international cooperation.
The Asian Dialogue Society (ADS)
is an informal fellowship of concerned citizens and friends of Asia brought together to address certain issues that have affected the course of political, economic and social developments in the world and particularly in Asia. The members of the group come from diverse intellectual backgrounds, but they share a common belief in human security and in the right of individuals and societies to live a life free of want and fear and in the indispensability of dialogue and debate not only in the resolution of confl icts but also in the maintenance of peace.
The ADS believes the future of our world should be one based upon humanistic values – founded on core values of freedom, justice, dignity, human rights, growth, progress, hope and optimism. These values must shape the Asia of the future, while an Asian perspective will contribute to the sustainable development of the global community. A more motivated and effi cient Asian and global community can better attack the plagues of poverty, scarcities, diseases, corruption, and bad governance; and tap the unlimited possibilities, potential, imagination and spirit of the human being.
The activities of the ADS are intended to promote the establishment of a better human order in Asia through increased dialogue and cooperation, and through the rediscovery and re-appropriation of its history and heritage, enable Asia to play a proactive role in shaping the future global society.
The ADS actively cooperates with, and mobilize the resources of, universities, non-governmental organizations, political parties, governments and business corporations in Asia and elsewhere.
The ADS is an autonomous project of the Information and Resource Center (IRC). The IRC was set up in 1985 as a regional research institution whose programs were conceived to contribute relevant alternatives to decisionmakers in the Southeast Asian region for a better human order based on free institutions, the free market, regional peace and harmony, multifaceted cooperation and national independence.